Free Background Music

Note: All of our free background music are completely royalty free, meaning you can use them commercially without paying a cent. you can use these audio tracks commercially in things like movies, games, and anything else you might need a cool music for. You can modify or edit the music as you like, You may not however redistribute them for a profit or selling one to a customer is not. You must attribute your work to If the audio is from then you need to give a credit somewhere. If you don't want to credit, then you need to purchase a license from us. purchase license.

100% Royalty Free Music

Pay once & use forever. Simple as that.

For Any Usage

You are free to use our background music for any usage - Games, applications, online videos, podcasts, TV, radio, advertising, educational, websites...etc.

Low Prices

Music downloads from just $1.99 to $8. You're getting high quality background music with great value. All 100% royalty free background music.

Immediate Downloads

Need music fast? Purchase & download your music immediately after payment.

Secure online payment uses PayPal, the world's trusted payment gateway. You can purchase with confidence and be assured that all transactions that take place at our website are secure.

MP3 and WAV files

All music tracks are available for download in both industry standard MP3 (stereo 128-Kbps) and WAV(uncompressed stereo 44.1khz) file formats at no extra cost.


We know how important it is to be safe when you’re using copyrighted material. So, with each purchase, you get a real, official, music license document (a downloadable PDF certificate) that confirms your right to use the track in accordance with the royalty free license.